Ryoji Kawashita Immigration Lawyer Office

                 Reception hours: Weekday AM 9:00 〜 PM 6:00

Long Term Resident

The Minister of Justice appoints the constant residence period in consideration of a special reason about individual foreigners, and a residence status "long term resident" is a residence status in acknowledgment of the residence.
When a foreigner staying in the country acquires "the permanent resident" with a change in the social position, it is divided into two ways when a foreigner corresponding to the positions such as refugees or the Japanese-person whom the Minister of Justice established beforehand enters it from the foreign countries.
For example, the case that a person having the residence status of "Japanese spouses" acquires "a permanent resident" for the bereavement with the spouse is thought about.

Long Term Resident


  1. So-called Japanese-second and the third
  2. Spouse of the person who is born as a Japanese child, and has the residence status of "Japanese spouses"
  3. Spouse of "the long resident" that the residence periods more than one year are appointed
  4. The minor who receives the support of "the permanent resident" that the residence periods more than one year are appointed, and lives and unmarried child
  5. So-called Chinese residual Japanese and the relative


  1. The merit of the residence status "long term resident" can set to work regardless of the type of job in the same way as a permanent resident.
  2. Unlike a permanent resident, the person must update the deadline for residence.
  3. To a residence status "long term resident," many cases are thought about,and it is necessary to make a document depending on the individual situation.
  4. It may be said that a "long term resident" visa is the visa which is the most vague in the residence status in the Immigration Control Law.
Long Term Reisent applcation fee List
  • Standard Plan
  • Full Service Plan
  • Check Service Plan

Request to a customer
A customer collects the required documents which we indicated, and please send, or bring it to our office.
My office makes documents, does agency of the application and receives the authorization.

Application for permission to change status of residence
When a foreigner lives in Japan and need to chnge to Long Term Resident VISA
Application for Extension of Period of Stay
When a foreigner lives in Japan and wishes to renew Long Term Resident VISA

・A consumption tax is not included in the price mentioned above.

・In addition, to the price mentioned above, an additional charge may incur.(Example: when applicant applied it directly once, and it was disapproval)

・The translation charges of documents are necessary separately, too.(Example : Chinese one sheet 3,000 yen)

My office supports all the application of VISA.
We acquire documents in place of a customer from the administration.And my office makes documents, does agency of the application and receives the authorization.

Application for permission to change status of residence
When a foreigner lives in Japan and need to chnge to Long Term Resident VISA
Application for Extension of Period of Stay
When a foreigner lives in Japan and wishes to renew Long Term Resident VISA

・A consumption tax is not included in the price mentioned above.

・In addition, to the price mentioned above, an additional charge may incur.(Example: when applicant applied it directly once, and it was disapproval)

・The translation charges of documents are necessary separately, too.(Example : Chinese one sheet 3,000 yen)

It is a plan to check all documents by my office which a customer made.
A customer applies to the Immigration office directly.
About the required document, my office makes a list and hands it to a customer beforehand.

Application for permission to change status of residence
When a foreigner lives in Japan and need to chnge to Long Term Resident VISA
Application for Extension of Period of Stay
When a foreigner lives in Japan and wishes to renew Long Term Resident VISA

・A consumption tax is not included in the price mentioned above.

・In addition, to the price mentioned above, an additional charge may incur.(Example: when applicant applied it directly once, and it was disapproval)

・The translation charges of documents are necessary separately, too.(Example : Chinese one sheet 3,000 yen)

Immigration Procedures By Purpose


We will handle the matter carefully, promptly, and kindly.

Reception hours: Weekday AM 9:00 〜 PM 6:00
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